Note from Paul Ferguson, CNN Producer
We're pretty excited to get this going -- a feature-length documentary of humanity at its very best. Of can-do immigrants in America taking initiative to make life better for people back home. Of TEN THOUSAND volunteers a year showing up at an Atlanta warehouse to help.In a world where violence seems innate and endemic - here is an inspiring beam of hope. It is also a story of modern Africa, a place expected to quadruple in population this century. And it also a story of people taking the time, making the effort and doing the work to help children they have never met.While we know a lot about storytelling and video production, we are looking for an Editorial Director to join our team. Someone with a scholarly background and experience in Africa that can guide our storytelling to be the most accurate portrayal of the continent possible. Have any ideas of someone we should speak with? Click here.We had a great interview with African-born immigrant and global music producer __ Mba. Check out some highlights here.No other organization has done as much to send books to africa then - Books for Africa. Here is some raw footage of founder Tom Warth describing how the idea came to him some 35 years and nearly 60 million books ago ... (edited)
note it's a blog post that clicks into short clips of raw footage -- just came up with this as a way to engage folks on the video level -- what do youse think? the cnn website experience is that readers want to click in to video -- and given the nature of what we're writing about - bits and bobs of raw footage may be enticing ...